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SEN (Inclusion policy) 24-25

Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Inclusion Policy


SEN and Inclusion Policy

Approval date: October 2022

Reviewed : September  2024

Review by October 2025

Special educational needs (SEN) and Inclusion Policy

‘Pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities make super progress. They receive careful support from teachers and assistants who set high expectations for achievement. Staff constantly remind pupils of their specific skills and do not allow any barriers to prevent success for pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities.’

Ofsted Report - June 2022

At Co-op Academy Nightingale we follow the guidelines set out in the 2015 Code for Special Educational Needs: for 0 to 25 years. The key elements of the statutory framework in Part 3 of the Children and Families Bill reflect the principles below:  


• Involving children, parents and young people in decision making.


• Identifying children and young people’s needs.  


• Greater choice and control for parents and young people over their support.


• Collaboration between education, health and social care services to provide support.

•High quality provision to meet the needs of children and young people with SEND.  


• Supporting successful preparation for adulthood.

Definition of Special Educational Needs and Disabilities


In accordance with the Code of Practice, we believe that children have a Special Educational Need or Disability if they:


“Have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for them.”


A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:


• has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age,

 • has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools or mainstream post-16 institutions.


Children with SEND are classified into 4 broad areas of need. There are:


◦ Communication and interaction (CI)

 ◦ Cognition and learning (CL)

◦ Social, emotional and mental health difficulties (SEMH)

 ◦ Sensory and/or physical (SP)


We ensure that children in our care are not regarded as having a learning difficulty solely because their home language is different from the language in which they will be taught. In keeping with Equal Opportunities guidance we ensure that children are not disadvantaged for any reason, because of their race, gender, nature of need or socio-economic background.



Inclusion statement

The staff at Coop Academy Nightingale are committed to the inclusion of all pupils. We aim to:

  • Provide an environment which enables pupils to be safe and healthy
  • Value every individual and enable them to enjoy their learning, achieve their full potential and economic well-being
  • Enable every pupil to make a positive contribution to their school and community
  • Identify and respond to pupil’s diverse and individual needs
  • Identify and overcome barriers to learning
  • Set suitable learning challenges for every pupil

Objectives of Inclusion  

Our objectives are to:

  • Provide an environment which fosters a close partnership with parents and carers
  • Promote the self-worth and self-esteem of all who learn and work at Co-Op Academy Nightingale.
  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum which meets the requirements of National Curriculum and the Foundation Stage curriculum
  • Promote early identification, assessment and provision for pupils with SEN
  • Promote early identification, assessment and provision for pupils who have additional needs. These include English as an additional Language (EAL) pupils, pupils from families who are asylum seekers or refugees, looked after pupils, travellers, pupils who are at risk of exclusion and gifted and talented pupils.
  • Provide quality first teaching with differentiated teaching resources matched to the needs of the pupils ensuring access to the curriculum for all pupils.
  • Follow the Graduated Approach Assess-Plan-Do-Review cycle
  • Provide effective relationships with external agencies

SEN Provision

The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) for Coop Academy Nightingale Primary School is Mrs Nicole Springer The SEN teacher is Mrs Yvonne Williams

The SENCo works closely with the Executive Headteacher and the remainder of SLT to implement this policy day to day and co-ordinate the provision for SEN pupils throughout school.  The school’s SEN register includes those pupils who have been identified by the school as having some additional needs and are monitored internally as well as pupils who also have some involvement from outside agencies and those who have an EHCP (Educational Health Care Plan) in place.

There is a whole school provision map showing interventions across the three waves and a waves 1,2 and 3 SEN evidencing flowchart. Links are made to the code of practice such as: Wave 1- Class Teachers to consider, is the young person’s learning difference confined to one of the ‘broad areas of need’ (6.28)? Class Teacher’s must notify SENDCo that the young person has been added to the inclusion register and then highlight a provision map to match the following needs:

  • Communication & Interaction

Children and young people with speech language and communication needs (SLCN) have difficulty in communicating with others. (6.28)

                 Sensory & Physical

Visual Impairment (VI)    Hearing Impairment (HI)   Multi-sensory impairment (MSI)   Physical disability (PD)

Sensory Processing Differences (SPD)

Class teacher highlights a generic provision map.

  • Cognitive and Learning

Learning occurs at slower pace than peers, even with differentiation. (6.30)

Class teacher highlights an SpLD Literacy or Maths provision map. 

  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health

Children and young people may experience a wide range of social, emotional and mental health difficulties which manifest themselves in many ways. (6.32)

             Class teacher highlights an SEMH provision map.

  • Generic

If the young person’s learning differences are uncertain or across multiple areas.

             Class teacher highlights a generic provision map.

Wave 2:

Additional interventions to enable children to work at ARE.

Class Teachers direct TAs / LSAs to evidence using a generic provision plan/intervention record  for Cognition and learning, sensory and Physical needs and Communication and Interaction.

Pastoral provision for Social Emotional and Mental Health needs (SEMH) is evidenced with the Wave 2 and 3 Pastoral Provision Plan. This is completed by Pastoral TA who liaises with Class Teacher to provide feedback and shares information on progress in class linked to the SEMH provision map.

Wave 3: 

Pupils with communication and interaction, sensory and physical, cognition and learning needs, accessing interventions outside class that are bespoke to their needs with TAs/LSAs, pastoral or with outside agencies have an Inclusion support plan and/or evidence using a Generic provision map/plan. Pupils with Social emotional and mental health needs (SEMH) have a Behaviour Support Plan and may need an ABC behaviour record sheet filling out over a short period of time to monitor triggers. Some pupils may have ongoing Individual support plans, particularly if they have a diagnosis and an EHCP with targets set for a longer period of time.

Non-subject specific learners, not yet meeting all of the Pre Key Stage Standards are assessed using B-Squared and have their provision assessed, planned, done and reviewed using a B-Squared Outcomes Sheet. This meets expectations of the Engagement Model, statutory in September 2021.

Individual provision maps then show all the pupils who are receiving wave 2 and 3 support and Inclusion Support plans show targets for these children. Individual Provision Maps show how often interventions take place and the progress made. Children that need individualised timetables have them and all SEN children have passports for learning.

The school has a register of identified gifted and talented pupils. Pupils with English as an additional language (EAL) and pupils with disabilities and or special educational needs (SEN) will be given equal access to identification.  The definitions are seen as complementary rather than exclusive.  

See More able and Gifted and Talented policy and SEN and Inclusion policy.

Co-ordinating and Monitoring Inclusion

-The child and the family are at the heart of the process

-The teacher sits around the child and the family and is the professional who is accountable and responsib;e for the child’s process

-The SENCo provides professional guidance to colleagues and works closely with parents/carers and with other agencies.

The SENCo will:

  • Work in partnership with colleagues, parents/carers, pupils and outside agencies to set, monitor and review short-term objectives (Inclusion support plans and provision maps) and any relevant ABC behaviour records or CPOMs alerts.
  • Ensure Teachers are providing Quality First Teaching for SEN children in all Classrooms
  • Promote The Graduation Approach (Assess, Plan, Do, Review) for all children with Wave 2 (Interventions in class) and 3 (Internal/External Interventions)  support
  • Monitor the achievement of pupils on the SEN register and those who have additional needs
  • Provide professional guidance and continuing professional development for all staff to secure quality teaching and effective use of resources for these pupils
  • Maintain records for pupils with SEN including the whole school register and year group registers
  • Regularly liaise with the Safeguarding Team Family Support and Attendance Officers Halema Begum and Chris Ingle
  • Liaise with the pastoral team weekly and meet as a team half termly.
  • Liaise as appropriate with parents and carers of pupils with SEN to provide thorough and meaningful support, which provides SEND children with the best opportunities possible to make good progress
  • Liaise with and organise support from external agencies including Chatterbugs Speech and Language therapists, Visual Impairment Team VIT, Deaf and Hearing Impairment team DAHIT.
  • Keep staff up-to-date with training needs.
  • Line manage TA’s working with SEN children and The SEN Teachers (manage performance and professional development review meetings)
  • Liaise with all stakeholders including parents and governors
  • Monitor, support and review planned interventions
  • Apply for funding in line with Local Authority FFI arrangements and ensure Class Teachers have the relevant evidence in place.
  • Write a detailed SEN Report annually which will be provided to the Trust and be made available to parents on the school website

The provision for Inclusion will be monitored by:

  • Whole school review meetings for class teachers to be allocated where the  SENCo and SEN Teachers are available for support or guidance. half termly including support staff where appropriate
  • Reviews with parents termly with class teacher and with SENCo when necessary
  • Reception class ISAR funding meetings to take place termly with SENDCo, Class Teacher and any other stakeholder, separate to parent consultation meetings.
  • EHCP  annual review meetings and funded meetings to be held by SENDCo and Class Teacher and any other stakeholder.
  • Evaluate the impact of provision including intervention programmes.
  • Analysis of data
  • Regular meetings between SENCO and Inclusion Governor  
  • Monitoring to take place with the SENDCo and SEN Teacher of classroom practice and provision for pupils with additional needs including SEN

Section 2 The School’s Admission and Inclusion Arrangements


Admissions Policy


When children join Co-op Academy Nightingale School we liaise with parents / carers and previous settings to create a clear picture of children’s needs.


The admission arrangements for those pupils with Special Educational Needs with or without an EHCP are the same as for all pupils. We welcome all children to our school and endeavour to ensure that appropriate provision is made to cater for their needs. This will usually mean that the child is fully integrated into the class unless this would be incompatible with the efficient education of other children. In these circumstances extraordinary arrangements might need to be considered. All children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities play a full part in the daily life of the school and are encouraged to join in all activities.


Responsibility of Governing Body

It is the responsibility of the Governing Body to ensure that:

  • The Governors are involved in developing and monitoring the schools Inclusion Policy
  • All Governors are knowledgeable about the schools provision for pupils who have special or additional needs
  • Inclusion is part of the School Development Plan and that training and development needs of staff are identified and addressed

Access to the Curriculum

It is the responsibility of all teachers to include SEN pupils within the classroom and provide Quality First Teaching by planning effectively to enable them to access the curriculum and make progress.

We always strive to

  • Set suitable challenges
  • Respond to pupils’ diverse needs
  • Overcome potential barriers to learning

The curriculum for pupils with additional needs including SEN can be flexible and differentiated according to need.

Identification and Review of pupils with SEN or additional needs

All pupils are informally assessed by the class teacher in English and Maths upon entry into Years 1-6 and in the Prime Areas (Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development) in the Foundation Stage.  Appropriate support and resources are then put in place. Progress is closely monitored through regular assessment.

Inclusion Support Plans / Provision maps are used to set targets and monitor progress of those pupils on the SEN register for wave 2 and 3 interventions. These plans are kept up-to-date by Class Teachers and monitored during half termly review meetings by the SENCo.

Gifted and talented pupils will be identified through the professional judgements of teachers which will be validated using a variety of assessment criteria. (See policy) Pupils with English as an additional language (EAL) and pupils with disabilities and or special educational needs (SEN) will be given equal access to identification and where a child may have a SEN and be on another register, during the review meetings.

Internal referrals to the SENCO can be made at any time by staff. They must notify the SENDCo if they have any concerns and this must take place outside pupil progress meetings. If interventions or strategies are not making impact, reasonable adjustments must be discussed and then made.

Staff are kept informed and updated about SEN issues and pupils on the SEN register by the SENCO or other key staff as appropriate.


Through regular reviews pupils may be removed from the SEN register (onto a removed register) if additional provision is no longer needed.

Allocation of Resources for Pupils with Special or Additional Needs

Support for SEN pupils will be allocated through the use of available funding (The Pupil Premium, Funding for Inclusion (FFI) and whole school SEN budget).

Prior to secondary school transfer, pupils who have special or additional needs may have an individual integration program.

In Service Training

We regularly review the training needs in relation to SEN provision and provide in house and outside agency training to meet the identified needs.

Speech and Language Therapy

We have an in-house Speech and Language therapist (SaLT) who works in school, one day once a week from Chatterbugs. They assess children, work 1:1 and in small groups with children and create therapy programmes for Class Teachers or TA’s to follow. Training is also organised as and when needed.

A communication and language therapist also works with small groups or individuals following guidance from the SaLT, one day a week. 


EAL is not an SEN need. However, to support identification of potential needs beyond language acquisition for our many new to english pupils we ensure pupils who are EAL are assessed using the Step indicators. Appropriate support and resources are then put in place. If necessary small group work or individual work is organised.  If additional need is identified thereafter this will be reviewed in line with everyone else and as outlined in this document.

Pupils who are at risk of exclusion:

The behaviour of pupils who are at risk of exclusion is closely monitored. Short term targets are set which are monitored and reviewed by a member of the Leadership Team, class teacher and the pupil. These may take the form of a daily target sheet. ABC forms are filled in to assess triggers and if a child is on the SEN register the SENCo is provided these by Class Teachers to monitor. An Inclusion Support Plan target is put in place and /or a behaviour support plan and are reviewed by the SENCo and class teacher and the team working around the pupil (Team Pupil). Where necessary, a Key Adult works specifically with the young person to support them with regulation needs and where attachment needs are identified, work in class around regular sensory breaks, or Pastoral and theraplay and PACE (Playfulness, acceptance, curiosity and empathy) as is a way of thinking, feeling, communicating and behaving and making the child feel safe. We recognise these principles help to promote the experience of safety in  interactions with young people. They need to feel that we have connected with the emotional part of their brain before they can engage the thoughtful, articulate, problem solving areas.  See Relationship policy.

Advice and support from outside agencies is sought if necessary such as cluster referrals .

If required the pupils will have an individual risk assessment and Positive Handling Plan and EGRESS plan which is put together by the SENDCo and Family Support Officer/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer Halema Begum


The SENCo and Family Support Officer/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer work closely together on attendance and to ensure families with SEN children are making the most out of family life, to be healthier, to achieve, be safe, strengthen and enjoy their lives together. They create an Early Help plan with families where required to help them move forward and reach their goals. Meetings are held every 6 weeks and targets are reviewed and reset. At times, the SENCo and Family Support Officer/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer may be required to support other agencies and professionals in an early help assessment.

This is a requirement set out in the DFE Keeping Children Safe Annex A: 40 p11

Children who are Looked After  

As a school we seek to work in partnership with parents, carers, Leeds City council, Health and Social Services. All looked after pupils will have their needs assessed regularly. Specific needs will be identified and individual targets set in a Personal Education Plan. This is initiated by Social services and educational contributions are made by the Designated Looked After Teacher. (See CLA Policy) The Designated Looked After Teacher (Nicole Springer SENCo) is responsible for attending these meetings, liaising with Class Teachers and Carers. They work closely with Virtual Schools, The Safeguarding Officer and Family Support Officer/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer Halema Begum and Social Services.

Where the DSL has identified a child to be on the edge of social care support, or who would normally receive pastoral-type support in school or is SEN, they ensure that a robust communication plan is in place for that child or young person and liaise with the SENCo and Family Support Officer. As an attachment aware school, we recognise the importance of keeping staff up to date with relevant information and the pastoral team being available for drop ins and interventions should they be needed. The SENDCo is trained as Attachment Lead (July 21). See relationship policy.

Details of all meetings held are recorded on CPOMS, as a record of contact that has been made.


The SENCo is part of the Pastoral team and attends regular half termly meetings to ensure all members are kept up to date with the most recent SEN events.

Facilities for pupils with physical disabilities

The school has facilities suitable for wheelchair access and a care suite. Additional resources are allocated in accordance with needs. Please refer to the Single Equality Scheme.

Pupils with Medical needs

The school ensures pupils medical needs can be met and seeks the appropriate support and training required to support individual pupils.

Intimate care plans are produced where any care which involves washing, touching or carrying out an invasive procedure that most children carry out for themselves but which some young people are unable to do due to physical disability, special educational needs associated with learning difficulties, medical needs or needs arising from the child’s stage of development.

Please refer to the schools Medicines Policy and Intimate Care Guidelines. Intimate Care plans are reviewed by Family Support Officer/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer Halema Begum and SENCo Nicole Springer

Links to support services

The school makes good use of outside agencies, seeking support and advice to maintain the high standard of provision.

Links and partnerships are developed with Leeds City Council and other outside agencies to provide support and advice to enable the school to meet pupil needs effectively.

Working in partnership with parents/carers

We welcome and encourage parents/carers to participate in their child’s educational progress from the outset, seeing them as equal partners

We will endeavour to foster effective partnerships, valuing parent/carer views and contributions and will draw attention to the availability of relevant and accessible information, support and advice (e.g Parent Partnership Service).  Where possible translation/interpreter services can be made available. We invite parents/carers to discuss their child’s Inclusion Support Plans and provide copies should they request one, any Speech and Language Therapy Reports or updates to their child’s needs termly or as and when required. Termly funding ISAR review meetings take place for Reception children and phone calls home from the SENCo on updates of interventions. Parents evening/review days are also held.

Outside Agencies


At Co-op Academy Nightingale we work in partnership with outside agencies to provide effective interventions for children. These agencies include:


  •  Educational Psychology Team
  •  Sensory Impairment Service
  • School Nurse
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Cluster support
  • SCOPE Outreach Team
  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
  • Speech and Language Service NHS and Chatterbugs
  • The Beck Outreach
  • Early Years Advisory Teachers / Early Years Consultants SENIT
  • RADAR for funding for PAs for families / respite breaks



Dealing with complaints

  • If a parent wishes to complain about the provision or the policy, they should, in the first instance, raise it with the SENDCo, who will try to resolve the situation.

Please refer to the schools Complaints Policy


The role of the SENCo is/was to support the general health and welfare of SEN families alongside home learning, access to regular resource packs, food hampers and to make regular weekly contact with families and agencies linked to supporting them such as the Visual Impairment Team, Chatterbugs, DAHIT Team and Social Workers. Work alongside Family Support Officer/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officer enabled this to be a robust procedure.The SENCo mades regular contact with Staff members and daily contact with the Pastoral Team. Weekly SLT or Welfare meetings also took place. Where home learning took/takes place, vulnerable children are referred to online safety. Early Help Plans stayed open and were carried out for SEN children via phone calls.

The SENCo is/was responsible for providing staff training and monitoring, whether linked to SEN or safeguarding. Risk Assessments are updated in line with COVID19 for children in school and those with EHCP targets or SEN+ that are seen as vulnerable but cannot access school. Risk Assessments state how school are supporting families and ensuring children’s needs are met.

For all meetings with parents of other professionals, the communication plans can include; remote contact, phone contact, door-step visits. Other individualised contact methods should be considered and recorded.

Last review date: September 2024

Reviewed by: October 2025