Year 1
Term 1
The important places in school and where they are
Term 3
Are all cities the same?
Term 5
How does the weather change over the year?
Year 2
Term 1
How similar are the coast and the countryside?
Term 3
Where are hot and cold places located on our planet?
Term 5
How similar are Leeds and Shanghai?
Year 3
Term 1
What is it like in the Peak District?
Term 3
How has land use changed in the Peak District overtime?
Term 5
Would you rather visit London or Valencia as a tourist?
Year 4
Term 1
Why don’t we worry about volcanic eruptions in the UK?
Term 3
Do rivers ever change along their journey? (River Aire study)
Term 5
Does a river flow faster in a curved point or a straight point?
Year 5
Term 1
Why is the Tundra biome the least inhabited space on earth?
Term 3
To what extent have humans impacted our local ecosystem?
Term 5
What does Poland provide for the rest of the world?
Year 6
Term 1
Will future generations be able to enjoy the beach?
Term 3
What is life like in Ecuador?
Term 5
What impact does climate change have on environmental regions in Ecuador