Newsletter 19th April 2024
This week's news and information from Nightingale
We would like to welcome back pupils after the Easter break. We hope that you all had a wonderful holiday and we are excited to enter the Summer term which is always full of exciting opportunities.
I would like to welcome Mr Reynolds, our new Deputy head who has joined us this term. Mr Reynolds is keen to get to know pupils and families and I am sure he would appreciate you stopping and having a chat with him in the playground. Mr Reynolds has worked in multiple schools and brings with him lots of experience in education.
Attendance Matters
If your child’s attendance is below 95% then they are much less likely to achieve.
This message is the only message that we feel you as parents need to know. Our drive to get pupils to attend is not driven by government policy but because we believe Education is the key to success and means children have the opportunity to be whatever they want to be.
We follow up on attendance because we care about your child’s life chances. Please keep this in mind when we reach out to you about your child’s attendance. We genuinely want to work with families so that all children can be whatever they want to be.
Current attendance of pupils at Nightingale across the Academy is at 89%
Compared to National of 95%
Let’s work together to ensure better life chances for your children
Book Hut
You may have noticed that we have a new addition to our playground, our green book hut. From Tuesday our book hut will be open to all our pupils and families who attend Nightingale. We have been very lucky that Sky has donated over 800 books to our school for pupils to access. Books are free for pupils to borrow or swap both during the day and to take home after school . The hut will be open before and after school. We ask only that books taken or swapped are respectfully treated and where possible returned after your child has finished reading them so that other children can enjoy them.
Additionally if families have any books at home that they would like to donate to the book hut we would be very grateful please just bring them to the main office.
If families have any good quality second hand uniform that they would like to donate to us we would appreciate it.
We are then able to support families who may need this
Fire Alarm
We would like to thank you for your patience regarding yesterday’s fire alarm that went off just before you were picking up your child(ren) and for following our safety procedures and instructions.