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Pupil Voice Speaks: Leighton employed as our Comic Consultant!

Mr. Phillips has been asked this year to promote our wonderful pupils love of reading. He spent some time this week speaking to children from many different year groups and asked them about what they like about reading, favourite authors, genres and illustrators as well as which types of books they most enjoy at home and school. He was also very interested in how to make reading more exciting. All of the children had fantastic ideas but one had something to say that we needed to listen to.

Leighton Wood (Year 5) from our Wrens class told us all about his love for comic books, and explained that he believes that comic books would be a fantastic way to engage reluctant readers through capturing their imagination as they learned about the adventures of well-known superheroes such as Spiderman, Superman and Wonder Woman.

Leighton also shared his love for the world of Korean comics including ninja Naruto and his adventures in a battle of good against evil.

Mr. Phillips was so impressed that he had a further discussion with Leighton who has since been employed as a Comic Consultant (Paid in Co-op Coins) to advise Mr Phillips on how he can improve reading across school through using comics and graphic novels. If your child wants to know catch Leighton in the corridor or the playground to learn more.