Newsletter 20/3/2024
Thank you to all families and children who dressed up for World Book Day. We had a fab day in school sharing and writing stories. Also thank you to all those who sent in money for red nose day, we really appreciate your support.
Parental Feedback
During our parent evening we asked parents for feedback on how we communicate with you. We had 43 responses. 83% of responses said that they felt we communicated very well. 88% said they felt we provided enough opportunities for you as parents to be involved in school. We appreciate this really positive feedback but we also want to work on the 12% of parents who would still like more. Some parents requested we increase the number of assemblies we hold where parents are invited. We have started this process and held an assembly on world book day and we are committed to increasing this as we go through the school year.
You may also receive a link through a Arbor links to parents survey. We promise these surveys will only take 2 mins and we would massively appreciate you completing these as we are committed to responding to your requests and ideas.
Easter Egg Decorating competition
This year we are running an egg decorating competition. We will have two categories 1)Independent - This must be done by the child independently without adult support 2) Family entry - This can be done with an adult or family member.
Each class will have a winner from each category and the winning will receive a chocolate easter egg. Additionally any child who enters will receive a cadbury’s cream egg.
Entries need to be brought to school between Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th March. Judging will take place on Wednesday 27th March.
Here are a few ideas to get you started
Holiday dates
Just a reminder that we are closing on Thursday 28th March at 3:30 and re-open on Tuesday 16th April at 8:45
Changes after the Easter for Starlings Entry
After the Easter break we are moving Starlings so that they are directly next door to Sparrows class. This will allow for pupils to access a much wider provision and also to socialise and work with all children in their year group. This means that the door for entry has now moved next to Sparrows.
Staff will be out on our first day after the holidays to support and direct to the right places.
SEND Support Group
Where: Nowell Mount Community Centre
When: Thursday
Time: 10.15 - 12.15
This is a support group for parents and carers with children with SEND needs, and it is about making new friends with others who are going through similar experience.
Goodbye and Good luck
At the end of every school term we often have to say goodbye to colleagues. I wanted to say goodbye and good luck to Mr Phillips who has been an amazing deputy head who I know has had great relationships with parents and pupils and will be greatly missed by us all. We are also sadly saying goodbye to Jess Bassue from our main office who is a big part of the Nightingale family and we want to wish her well for the future. Jake Ribton who has been long term Supply in our Pastoral Team is also moving on we would like to wish him well in his new role.