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News and Letters


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  • Nightingale Question Time!

    Published 17/05/23

    From the House of Commons to our Community Room!.

    Nightingale’s now famous Eco-Club hosted a prestigious event this past Friday. Mrs. Tariket & Mrs. Bellis have worked tirelessly to provide wonderful enrichment opportunities for our children and show them the real difference they can make in our community and in their local area in general.

    On Friday Eco-Club welcomed some politicians into school to answer some rather ferocious lines of questioning from our Year 6’s around environmental issues and how we can encourage those on power to do more to promote them.

    Richard Burgon, who is a member of the Labour Party and the Member of parliament for Leeds East was in attendance as was Shahab Idris, a representative of the Green Party and Councillor Katie Dye, Chair of the Leeds City Council Climate Committee. Our very own headteacher, Mr Pearce was also on the panel to give an Educator’s perspective of environmental issues.

    Many of our Year 6’s chose to stay after school to be part of the audience for the Question Time event that I have no doubt was just as demanding as Prime Minister’s questions each week.

    The Panel Question Time was rounded off with Eco-club leading a tour of school to share the amazing work they have done with our Eco Garden, showing off the various projects from across this year.

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  • Anti Racism Day​​​​​​​

    Published 31/03/23

    At Nightingale today, all of our children engaged in a day to learn about racism, what that means and the impact of racism on everyone around us, as well as what we can do to carry the message of ‘make life kind’ Loti Nambombe joined us for the day, he hosted children and parents in an assembly before touring various classes to conduct workshops around the theme of anti-racism. He was supported by two of our Year 6 pupils Kaehaan and Amina who provided guidance, a school Tour and hope all of our children to engage in these workshops.

    We hope today carried a lasting message for all of our children in joining Loti’s message of ‘Make Life Kind’ with our Co-op Value of ‘Show You Care’ and our children act upon their learning today to make everyone that little bit happier.

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  • Cha-Cha-Cha-Charcoal!​​​​​​​

    Published 24/03/23

    In year 3 we have been doing lots of art work this term. We began researching about an artist called Edgar Degas who uses charcoal to create drawings. We have been exploring different ways to use charcoal including using different pressure, smudging and using the edge of a charcoal pencil. This week we used the knowledge that we have gained to dance in charcoal. This was very exciting for the children in year 3. We wanted it to feel like a performance so children put their chairs in a circle around the paper and we changed the background music to see if this made a difference to the children’s mood when creating their piece of artwork. It was a super messy but very fun afternoon enjoyed by all!

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  • Nightingale Careers Fair 2023

    Published 23/03/23

    On Tuesday we had an incredible time as Nightingale held their inaugural careers fair, we invited upwards of 20 volunteers from all sort of professions from journalists to nurses, financial advisors to scientists. The children were fantastic at asking questions inspired by the employment skills they are learning through our Skills Builder Careers Sessions. The volunteers were so excited many have already asked to come back next year and even pop into some classrooms to talk some more to our children about the careers and aspirations.

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  • Year 3 & 4 Aim High Writer’s Poetry Day

    Published 02/03/23

    Year 3 and 4 children were lucky enough to meet Andy Craven-Griffiths, a poet who has performed on live stages and has had his work broadcasted and printed, for a performance workshop with children from other local schools. They spent the day creating their own poem with similes, alliteration and rhyming words. 

    The children began the day choosing an animal in groups that they were familiar with. The children then wrote down as many things they knew about their animal, some of our children discussed that fish cannot blink as they do not have eyelids. They then were instructed to pretend they were their animal and think of a reason why they would like to be the animal, for example: fish cannot blink so they would be able to win in a staring competition. 

    Next the children had to create some rhyming words for their poem, it wasn’t important that the poem would rhyme as long as it had clear stanzas. Many of our children came up with some incredible rhyming and half rhyme words.  

    Then the children created a chorus for their poem which was repeated at the beginning and end of their poem. Children were instructed that this didn’t need to rhyme and didn’t have to have similes but it must describe their animal. 

    Finally, the children had a chance to perform their poems to the group. They spent lots of time practicing their delivery of the poem and decided who would say parts and when they children would all perform together. 

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  • Year 4 Raring to Go with Reader’s Theatre​​​​​​​

    Published 01/03/23

    Our Wonderful Year 4 children in Herons class have begun their Reader’s Theatre cycle this half term. They are loving getting rid of pens and paper in Guided Reading while being given opportunities every single lesson to speak out loud, to each other and to their class. Mrs. Winterburn is developing their fluency through modelling fluent reading and giving advice and feedback so children can begin to develop their own awareness and proficiency in reading both aloud and in their heads.

    Check out some of the videos of week 1. We can’t wait to invite parents to a session later this year and show off the incredible progress they have made.

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  • Pupil Voice Speaks: Leighton employed as our Comic Consultant!

    Published 20/01/23

    Mr. Phillips has been asked this year to promote our wonderful pupils love of reading. He spent some time this week speaking to children from many different year groups and asked them about what they like about reading, favourite authors, genres and illustrators as well as which types of books they most enjoy at home and school. He was also very interested in how to make reading more exciting. All of the children had fantastic ideas but one had something to say that we needed to listen to.

    Leighton Wood (Year 5) from our Wrens class told us all about his love for comic books, and explained that he believes that comic books would be a fantastic way to engage reluctant readers through capturing their imagination as they learned about the adventures of well-known superheroes such as Spiderman, Superman and Wonder Woman.

    Leighton also shared his love for the world of Korean comics including ninja Naruto and his adventures in a battle of good against evil.

    Mr. Phillips was so impressed that he had a further discussion with Leighton who has since been employed as a Comic Consultant (Paid in Co-op Coins) to advise Mr Phillips on how he can improve reading across school through using comics and graphic novels. If your child wants to know catch Leighton in the corridor or the playground to learn more.

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  • Demi wows Year 2 by writing her first book!

    Published 09/01/23

    We were amazed when we came back to school last week to find out that Oluwademilade George, a 7-year-old pupil, in Year 2 at Nightingale has self-published her very first book. Demi was super proud to show the whole school her book “The Praying Panda” in assembly and some classes were even lucky enough to enjoy a visit from our very own author as she went to some different classes to read extracts to them!

    Demi’s Book focuses on the importance of prayer and how no one should ever be afraid to talk about what they believe in. We have wasted no time in buying some copies of The Praying Panda to add to our library and make sure that all of our children can read it, learn about the morals it teaches and celebrate Demi’s amazing achievement. We are sure it won’t be the last book that Demi writes!

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  • Year 2 Street Detectives!​​​​​​​

    Published 18/11/22

    Today, we got an email from the Lord Mayor. He wanted us to become ‘Street Detectives’ and think of some ideas about how to improve the local area. We created our detective hats and our magnifying glass and had a walk around Harehills. We talked about things that were built in the past and how it has changed now!

    Baking Blurb – ‘Let’s say’ we opened our very own bakery! Today we made bread using lots of ingredients. We talked about how we needed to measure the ingredients using a scale and how we needed to use yeast to make the bread rise!

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  • Mighty Metals! Marvellous Materials!

    Published 18/11/22

    In Year 3 our project this term is ‘Mighty Metals’ the children have been researching and designing their own cart with wheels. The children even designed their own carts with dimensions on to help them with their designs. The children had to decide which materials would be good to help them to design their own cart. They know that fabric, brick and paper wouldn’t be a good material however they knew that plastic, glass and metal would be a good material for making our own carts. We had to make sure that our wheels on our cart could move and were able to carry the carts weight. 

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  • Behaviour Stars enjoy a reward afternoon!

    Published 18/11/22

    We have been so impressed by so many of our children this half term at Nightingale, So much so that we designed a new behaviour star system where Mrs Packer our Pastoral lead spends some time on a Friday afternoon with 2 children from each class who have impressed with their ways of being that week. Check out these photographs of our amazing children celebrating their success in Being Themselves always!

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  • Harewood House Wartime Experience​​​​​​​

    Published 17/11/22

    Year 6 went to Harewood house today on an extremely wet but enjoyable school trip. They learned about rationing as well as how people adapted how they ate, baking their own tasty savoury snacks using wartime ingredients. They also investigated battlefield injuries and common remedies and prevention, even practicing patching each other up when they got injured. Eva was an expert at leg and foot bandaging while Rehan and Narcis were skilled in fashioning makeshift slings!

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