Half Term Newsletter Feb 24
Newsletter February 2024
Newsletter February 2024
This week's safeguarding focus is Parental Drug and Alcohol Misuse.
Coop Academy Nightingale is committed to online safety and, in conjunction with the National online safety, committed to empowering parents, carers, and trusted adults with the information they need to hold an informed conversation with their children should they feel it's needed. See the information below.
Co-op Academy Nightingales is part of a project that runs jointly between schools and West Yorkshire Police. It has been established to support children who are resident in households where there are incidents of domestic violence and abuse. The initiative has been designed to provide confidential notification to schools on any incidents of domestic violence and abuse which occur within a child’s household, that might have an impact on a child whilst he or she is in school. This enables us to support a child who may come into school with potential worries or emotional barriers to their learning.
What parents need to know about age ratings
Please check this out if you have not downloaded our Arbor app yet!
We would like to welcome all pupils and families back to school for the new school term. Thank you to all parents who have ensured that children are on time, in school and in the correct uniform. Your support in setting high standards for your children is very much appreciated. As an academy we value your support in ensuring your child gets the best education by being here every day.
What's on in Harehills over Christmas 2023
Quick read information
This week's safeguarding focus is Modern Slavery.
Parents can now access our Arbor App here - https://coopnightingale.uk.arbor.sc/ OR DOWNLOAD THE APP
You can see what the app does here - https://youtu.be/kFCuC1NyH5U
We have not enabled all the features yet but they are coming!
Parent Portal and Parent App let parents register their child for a club or trip, book parents evening slots, and manage payments all from their phone or computer. Parents can also check in on their child’s attendance, behaviour and progress.
Logging in for the first time
The welcome email from school will contain your login details and a link that will take you to the browser version of the Parent Portal where you need to set up a password.
You can reset your password using a computer, or using a mobile browser on your phone or tablet.
Click the link, then click Forgot your password? Add in your email address then click Reset password.
If you are having difficulty using Arbor, please contact the school office. 1-1 help available with appointment on the Art Activity evening
Save your password and fill it in automatically using your phone's built-in Face ID, fingerprint scan or pin entry.
Top Tip: You will need to download the latest version from the app store to use biometric login:
When your email address and password are correct, Arbor will check your biometric details - either by Face ID, fingerprint scan or pin entry.