Nightingale News
Newsletter - 26th April 2024
Book Hut
We have had an exciting week with the introduction of our new book hut in the KS1 playground. It has been fantastic to see so many children and families using the hut to borrow and take home books. All books are free to families and children at Nightingale. Feel free to borrow and take home the books for as long as you wish or swap a book and keep it. If you have any book donations we would really appreciate it so that we can keep the hut stocked up at all times. We would like to say a huge thank you to SKY for donating 800 books for our children and families. Reading is the most important skill a child can have and we are thrilled our children get this wonderful resource.
We would like to remind parents that we have a new communication system called Arbor. We can use this app to communicate directly with individual parents about learning and behaviour. This level of communication cannot be replicated via paper so we would encourage you to sign up so that you can have the best possible communication with us.
If you need help please contact the school office and or Mr Reynolds.
Goodbye and Good luck
Today we say goodbye to our business manager who has worked at Nightingale for a significant period of time. She has been an integral part of the schools community and running and we would like to wish her good luck in her new role.
PE Uniform
We would like to give all parents advance warning that we will be expecting pupils to wear the correct PE uniform and that we will be working with families to ensure that this is expected from all pupils. The correct uniform is
P.E. uniform
● Blue or white t-shirt, plain or with our logo
● Navy / Black shorts, leggings or jogging bottoms
● Trainers (or suitable footwear for sports)
● Round neck jumper or tracksuit top in blue for outdoors
We appreciate that some families may not have this uniform and so we will be only begin monitoring this after the May holidays we also appreciate that this is a cost to parents and we are happy to help anyone who needs this, just drop us an email and we will get back to you or call in at the main office.