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Nightingale News 31st Jan 2024

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Time to Talk Coffee Morning

Time to Talk Day is on 1st  February 2024. It's the nation's biggest mental health conversation. And we want you to take part. During this week we will be running a number of events for pupils, staff and finally for you our parents and carers.  We are therefore inviting you to join us for coffee and an informal chat with other parents and staff at the Academy on Tuesday 6th February  9:00-10:00. We would really love to see you. 

Up-Date on staffing at Co-op Academy Nightingale

I am delighted to inform you that after a successful recruitment process for the position of Head of School at Co-op Academy Nightingale  we have successfully appointed Miss Lewis to this role. Many of you will already know Miss Lewis in her current role as Deputy Head. Since she  joined us in September she  has already been working incredibly hard to make positive changes in the Academy and this is an excellent appointment for the Academy as Miss Lewis brings a lot of experience to this role. I am sure you will join me in congratulating her. 

How does the leadership structure at Nightingales work? 

Executive Head Teacher (Mrs Blanchfield) will work with the support of the head of school and Trust to decide and plan the long term direction and priorities of the Academy and ensure these are met. 

Head of school (Miss Lewis) will be responsible for the day to day running of the Academy and will work alongside parents , pupils and staff to ensure that teaching, routines and behaviours at the academy run smoothly.

Well Done Year 5 Football Team

This Wednesday a group of Year 5 pupils took part in our Co-op Football tournament at Co-op Academy Leeds. I am delighted to say that our team were winners of this event and brought home the Gold medal . Well done team Nightingale! 

Anti Bullying Poster Competition 

At Co-op Academy Nightingale we understand the importance of dealing with and responding to  any incidents of bullying.  We believe that staff work hard to ensure that our response sends the right message to pupils that bullying has no place in our Academy. However there is always more that we can do to ensure we stop bullying and educate pupils on how to respond to bullying. 

As part of our work to improve our response, we have been seeking pupils' opinions on how to prevent bullying. As part of these discussions the children have asked us to run a competition to design an anti bullying poster that can be displayed around the Academy to make sure all children know that bullying is wrong and what to do if it happens to them. 

If you would like to enter our competition you will need to design an anti bullying poster that has:

  1. An Anti-bullying slogan (Say no to Bullying!) 

  2. Advice on what to do if they experience bullying. 

  3. Colourful fun picture/s

Each Poster must be no more than 1 side of A4

Posters can either be handwritten or completed on a computer 

Entries must be handed in to the class teacher before 21st February 

Winner will be announced on Friday 23rd February 

The winner will have their Poster displayed all around the Academy and will receive a £20 voucher to spend (This can be used in a wide range of shops)  

In the coming weeks we will also be sending all our parents a digital copy of our draft Anti Bullying Policy along with a short questionnaire to gain your views and opinions. Help us by returning your replies to the Academy. 


Attendance matters for your child. Being here everyday means they have no gaps in their learning and so have the best possible chance for success. Bringing your child on time and everyday is linked with achieving better outcomes at the end of Primary which in turn leads to better GSCE results. 

Please do all you can to ensure your child is in school so your child can be the best that they can be!

National attendance is 94% so we need to work together on improving this for all children.

Class Attendance 

SPARROWS 88.04%                  STARLINGS 91.3%

RAVENS 87.06%                       ROBINS 88.52%

PEACOCKS 89.79%                 PIGEONS 89.34%

EAGLES 90.31%                       KESTRELS 88.21%

HERONS 92.3%                        KINGFISHERS 91.62%

DOVES 92.69%                        WRENS 90.6%

HAWKS 90.15%                       TORTOISES 91.43%

Dates for the Future events (Please look out for further information in our Newsletters)

World Book Day -  Thursday 7th March 

Parents Evening - Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th March 

Comic Relief Non Uniform day Friday 15th March