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Welcome to

Co-op Academy Nightingale

We provide a safe and caring environment for all our community

Our Vision and Values

We challenge and support all our pupils to be the best that they can be

Find out more

We provide pupils with the foundations to be successful in school and beyond

Our Curriculum

Welcome to

Co-op Academy Nightingale

We work in close partnership with parents and carers; we are grateful to the community for their support of the school and for sharing in our vision to enable all children to achieve.

Our excellent team of teaching and support staff provide a high quality education for every child at our Academy. This is supported by the governing body and sponsors who work with the school to uphold our vision and values to make sure every child gets the best education they can.

A Warm Welcome
From our Headteacher

Miss Lewis, Head of School

At Co-op Academy Nightingale we provide our children with excellent learning opportunities so that they can all fulfil their potential. We do this by providing a warm, caring and safe environment inspired by the four Ways of Being Co-op: Do What Matters Most; Be Yourself, Always; Show You Care; Succeed Together.

Our School Overview


Age range

1 of 37 Academies in the Trust

Ofsted Report

​​​​​​​What do people say?

Pupils at the Co-op Academy Nightingale embody the four ‘Ways of Being Co-op’. Pupils know the four values and talk about them. Pupils are proud of their diverse academy community. They show respect for the many ethnicities, religions and languages spoken. Pupils from each year group are ‘young interpreters’. They support new pupils to understand the academy routines using their preferred language. This helps to prevent new pupils from feeling isolated.


Leaders have ambition for all pupils to access high-quality education. Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) and pupils who speak English as an additional language have intensive support to ensure that they can access the curriculum.


Pupils have strong views about the importance of equality. They feel everyone is treated equally at the academy.


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